Photography Journal

Arik Shraga Arik Shraga

My work in numbers

I’m taking my time during the current lockdown to reflect on what I’ve accomplished so far in humanitarian photography. One of the most unbiased way to do this is to crunch some numbers. So I went through all the folders with the assignments accomplished for aids organizations, and here’s what came out:

  • My collaboration with the first humanitarian photography client began in January, 2013. It was JDC and this work changed my whole life.

  • Since then I’ve been to 43 overseas locations for humanitarian photography assignments.

  • The geography of the assignments covers 15 countries of the former USSR and the Middle East.

  • I’ve conducted 626 interviews with the recipients of the humanitarian programs.

  • Altogether I’ve supplied humanitarian organizations with 18 000 pictures.

This overview, these numbers are mind-blowing to me. The most exciting is the number of people I sat with to conduct an interview. I’ve listened to 626 life stories. More importantly, due to this body of work 626 voices were heard by a community of donors willing to ease the struggles of those and thousands of other people.

I can’t wait for the pandemic to loosen its grip so I could continue doing the humanitarian work.

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